January 27, 2011

Dreaming on Sleepless Nights

Eyes running, head pounding, face aching -all results of 18 hours of sleep... Over the past 6 days. =|  It all started with one of my wisdom teeth coming out of hibernation; for years they've been coming on and off like an indecisive lover. Combine the toothache with a messed up body clock and we've got some unwanted side effects. Judging from this week's routine, I won't be falling asleep again until three-ish so I figured why not blog. My mind's on overdrive anyway.


There once was a girl who loved watching Saturday morning cartoons. Braceface had become one of her favorites, and she began reproducing the characters on paper.

January 24, 2011

I'm a Blogger Now...?

Is this thing on?

Yeah I think it is. =D

For quite some time I've been mulling over the idea of blogging. I just didn't know about what or if I'd keep up with it (I get bored easily). However, I did know I wanted it to be fashion and style based because that's been the one unwavering interest I've had for over a decade.

There are so many fashion and style blogs out there; I didn't want it to be like any other one you'd stumble across. I wanted mine to stand out so I tucked the idea of blogging in a file cabinet in the back of my mind.

Until now that is...


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